Christmas Advent Illustrations
I'm drawing a Christmas illustration a day for advent. Here is what I've done so far. You can follow along on my facebook page if you'd like! Otherwise I'll post them all here once I'm done. It's getting me in the holiday spirit! :)
Gilbert of Good Dog Deals
I recently illustrated the mascot for Good Dog Deals, a place to find the best online deals for your dog brought to you by the popular site This is such a fun on-going project because they have me create new versions of him for holidays and occasions. Here are a few that I've done so far!
Let's Make Something
I am so lucky to have so many creative friends. One of the best of them is Lisa, who is a graphic designer AND photographer. She is equally talented at both and it's not fair, I know. Check out her awesome creations at Last time we got together we said, "Let's make something!" So we went to Color Me Mine and hand painted some plates. Below are the before and after pics. Lisa's is the floral and mine is the goofy horse. It was fun but it also made me realize how talented traditional artists are. I am almost entirely digital these days and control Z (undo) has become my best friend. You can't control Z a hand painting. All you fine artists out there are amazing!
Kitty Peek
Hi Friends! My doggy peek products on Society6 are doing so well, I thought I should start adding cats! Here is my first release.
Business Cards
Molly & Rex Stationery
Make Art That Sells: The Finale
This was my last week participating in the class, Make Art That Sells, taught by super star art agent, Lilla Rogers. Our last assignment was to design a zipper pouch using mirrored elements and imagery of items from our personal collections. A close up: "So Anne," you are thinking, "you collect Pegasus' (Pegasuses...Pegasi)?" No, you got me. But unfortunately for me, I don't collect anything. I let this freak me out for a few days and then I said to myself, "Screw it! I'm just going to do whatever I want." So I did. And you know what? I'm glad I did because instead of trying to force myself to be something I am not and being unhappy with the result, it turned out so ME and I freaking love it. Yay! So, the big lesson this week is to embrace what I love to do and what I am naturally good at (whimsical) and to stop trying to force designs that are sophisticated or mature. Children's market - here I come!
Art Show!!
Hi Friends! I am participating in my first ever art show this month! My amazingly talented friend and coworker, CJ Metzger and her sister, Miss Mindy, are headlining this show and have invited several artist friends to join them. You can check out CJ Metzger's enchanting work at
I was invited to create an ornament for the show and here is a peek at what I am contributing. I had so much fun making these that, if I have time, I am going to try and make a few more.
Make Art That Sells Week 3: Storybook Cover
This week in the e-course I am taking, Make Art That Sells, we were tasked to design a book cover or two page spread for an old Russian folktale, The Language of the Birds. I had so much fun working on this, I wanted to share images of my entire process so you can see how it evolved. I think I'm going to work on a few pages of the interior so I can add it to my portfolio.
Christmas Type
Working on some hand lettered Christmas type for Tiger Print!
Lilla Rogers Studio School
If you don't hear from me for the next five weeks starting on Monday, do not be alarmed. I am taking Lilla Rogers online course, Make Art that Sells, and I am probably going to spend every waking minute that I am not at work, doing classwork. I am SO excited. I haven't even started the course yet and it has already inspired me to push myself to be better at what I love to do. I'll be posting some of the work I do for the class in the coming weeks so stay tuned!
Pencil to Chalk
Let's Make Apple Pie
Horoscope Pattern
I entered a Spoonflower contest today! The theme is constellations, so I ended up making a horoscope pattern. If you vote for me once the contest is open, I will send you a brain hug. :)
Puppy Love Valentine's Day Boxes
Gift Card Holders
Pug Peek
Pug Peek for